Photography Policy

The Pacific Southwest Railway Museum Association, Inc. reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to withhold and/or withdraw permission to photograph on its premises or to reproduce photographs of objects in its Collections. Policies have been outlined below to provide further information on how to gain necessary approvals for various photography needs.

Visitor Photography Policy

Still photography is permitted for private, noncommercial use only. Photographs cannot be published, sold, reproduced, transferred, distributed, or otherwise commercially exploited in any manner whatsoever. Photography is not permitted in certain special exhibitions or any areas designated “No Photography.” Personal video cameras are permitted unless otherwise stated and use is subject to the terms above.

Press Photography Policy

Subject to prior approval, members of the press may photograph or film within designated areas of the Museum for the purpose of news coverage that includes Pacific Southwest Railway Museum as the subject. All members of the press must contact the Media Coordinator prior to arrival at the Museum. Unless otherwise arranged, a member of the Staff must be present to escort members of the press through exhibitions and all other areas of the facility. To make arrangements, e-mail Please try to schedule press visits at least one business day in advance to ensure availability. Staff is typically not on site during weekdays unless previous arrangements have been made.

Commercial and Special Photography Policy

The Pacific Southwest Railway Museum Association, Inc. charges site fees for all filming and photography intended for commercial purposes. Site fees are also charged for using the Museum as a setting for other projects that are not considered personal snapshots or editorial coverage by the press. Site fees vary based on the details of each project.
Because the Pacific Southwest Railway Museum is open to the public, no special arrangements can be made to quarantine an area from normal visitor traffic. All filming and photography must
be conducted without disruption to Museum operations or limitations to access to exhibitions, stairwells, entrances/exits, high traffic areas or other locations of interest to Museum visitors.
For filming and photography scheduled to occur outside of normal business hours, the function will be treated as a special event. Fees begin at regular special events rates and may increase to accommodate special requests and circumstances.
The Museum reserves the right to approve final content for anything in which the Museum or its properties will appear, either by name or by visual representation. For books, videos, films or other projects, the Pacific Southwest Railway Museum Association, Inc. must receive full details of any dialogue, written content or other accompanying information for review prior to approval. The Pacific Southwest Railway Museum Association, Inc. reserves the right to decline any request for any reason, including any project that Museum personnel believe could reflect negatively upon the Museum, its accreditation status or its reputation as an educational institution.

Disclaimer Concerning All Photography

With respect to any photographs taken at the Museum, the Museum makes no representations or warranties concerning the subject matter of such photographs. To the extent such photography incorporates the likenesses of individuals or depicts copyrighted materials, the photographer shall have sole responsibility for obtaining any necessary releases or consents to use such likenesses or materials.