Museum in Campo Closed Until February 6, 2021, La Mesa Depot Remains Closed

Last week, the state of California enacted new policies to control the spread of COVID-19.  Under these new policies, museums and other similar attractions must remain closed until the Southern California region has an ICU bed capacity of greater than 15%.  This closure will last at least three weeks and could extend into 2021 depending on many factors.  As a result, PSRMA must cancel its remaining Santa Express train rides in 2020.  Refund information will be sent out via email to any ticketed passengers.  A 2021 reopening date has not been established.  Please check our website for updates.

During these exceedingly difficult times, your continued support is invaluable.  We hope that you might consider making a small donation to help keep the wheels turning while we wait to safely reopen.  Every little bit helps.  More information is available at

All of the volunteers at the Pacific Southwest Railway Museum Association wish you a very Merry Christmas in whatever form your holiday takes this year.